Dear Dustin,
You have, sadly published a massive dose of spinned and concocted assumptions and deductions which have no basis in science, certainly not neuroscience. And has no basis in reality and in human insurmountable intrinsic limitations of understanding of "The Beginning".
Take for example the issue of "Intelligence and understanding", which you claim in your article are:
"general terms that refer to a great variety of specific behaviors, each of which represents some accommodation of the organism to some feature of its environment".
No, Dustin. The issue of Human Intelligence and functional output involves a very complex amalgam of genetic, developmental, cultural, linguistic and epigenetic factors and elements unknown to us at this time.
While I do admire aspects of Prof. John Searle's contribution to philosophy, several of his assumptions and conclusions in Philosophy of the Mind are clearly off base. When I read his books and writings, I have often overlooked (forgiven) some of his conclusions because obviously he has no training or background in the neurosciences.
The broader lesson of this article for the readers is that we, Homo Sapiens must be cognizant of our profound epistemic limitations and be sober. Particularly in this era of AI, Machine learning, powerful robotics, Elon Musks' Neuralink brain chip human trials etc. a heavy dose of humility is warranted.