For Healthy Brain Now and In Later Years, Focus on Nourishing All Other Organs
It goes by several appellations. That dreadful, unwished, but seemingly inevitable terminus of the human brain (and mind) in the post “mythical days of our lives” — three score and ten (70) years.
These terms, i.e. appellations include, for the medically informed/inclined, Alzheimer’s disease, dementia and neuro-degeneration.
For some laypersons, the saying goes like this: Oh my God, he/she is no longer with it; or, oh well, that’s what you call old age.
Yes, the speed and efficiency of our comprehension and reaction to events, physically and mentally are not as robust in the senior years as in early and mid life. Nonetheless, crippling brain degeneration is not necessarily inevitable.
The assumed inevitability of downward slope of cerebration has fueled a multibillion dollar industry marketing various fixes/remedies.
The most highly protected (in addition to the spinal cord) structure in the human body is the brain. It is, hands down, the most precious organ in our bodies.
The brain is who we are. Very well protected in its bony cage, the skull. It is the most intensely active, most demanding and most selective…