This is a must read for anybody concerned about the falsifications, superficialities and self-centeredness especially of leaders of nations in our world where the majority live in brokenness under oppressive regimes.
But beyond the societal impact of these selected quotes, even if you don't agree with all of them, most of them speak to us as individuals. Quotes 3 & 6 are particularly poignant. Certainly makes me pause as I hope it makes the readers of these quotes.
Fyodor Dostoevsky's immense depth and capacity to see beyond the visible must have been heavily informed by the vicissitudes of life. His life long trials and tribulations, pain, affliction with epilepsy, on and off poverty and imprisonment at the penal colony at Omsk.
In prison, he reported he lived like a "person buried underground" and endured cold, hunger and sickness. The situation aggravated his epilepsy, but "the escape into myself ……… did bear its fruits".
I must say I find his statement about love and loving perplexing, especially coming from a person who composed The Life of a Great Sinner, which dealt with the existence of God. After all, God is Love and in Loving us so much comes John 3:16.
Well done Adesh.