Very interesting and heart-felt piece, Douglas.
I have been there in the situation you touched on in and outside the operating room thousands of time. I very much appreciate your new path.
However, the reality of deep existential human suffering is much deeper than what can be assuaged as you describe in your new approach. For instance, you stated:
"And I’m trying to approach the greater suffering in our world or even on TV and the internet the same way. We all feel them: the people suffering from Covid-19 or under the restrictions of pandemic policy. Those suffering the injustices of racial or economic inequity, violence or hunger, climate catastrophe, or war".
Do we really all feel "the greater suffering in our world or even on TV"?
The devastating consequences of climate change in Madagascar, Africa described recently on ABC WorldNewsTonight by anchor David Muir?
The cry of Palau's president about the impending demise of his nation in South East Asia because of global warming?
The coup d'etats in five nations in the past 18 months in the world's poorest region, Sub-Saharan Africa?
The profound economic inequity between and within nations?
The inexplicable suffering of the populations trapped in the leadership crisis, pseudo-democracy, kleptocracy and oligarchies in the developing world especially Africa?
Nonetheless, I really do appreciate your new approach to crisis and it can certainly work in a confined space and at the micro level.
However, at the macro level, much more is required.