Your points are well taken, Mr. President — up to a point. Yes, and tragically so blatant is the scope, breadth and depth of suffering of innocent Ukrainians unfolding right before our eyes. A supreme expression of the evil of humankind against humankind which all those with "souls" must condemn.
Now to the phrase "up to a point" in my first sentence.
You stated: "For some time now, we have seen the forces of division and authoritarianism make headway around the world, mounting an assault on the ideals of democracy, rule of law, equality, individual liberty, freedom of expression and worship, and self-determination".
You are spot on, especially regarding the situation in the poorest and yet, arguably, the most natural resource endowed region of the world, Sub-Saharan Africa.
The oligarchs, kleptocrats, dictators and tyrants in Africa who have been responsible for the death of millions of innocent men, women and children, and millions of internally and externally displaced populations have been allowed to roam free by several world powers.
Just as you and our former First Lady Michelle "will be praying for the courageous people of Ukraine, for Russian citizens who have bravely declared their opposition to these attacks";
I hope we will always remember to pray for the courageous people of Africa and other chronic hot spots in the world, and for their citizens who daily toil lonely in obscurity in their opposition to the evil unleashed on them by the might of the powerful.