Your points are well taken Rebecca. I am particularly struck by this paragraph: "Nigerian students have testified that Ukrainian border patrol has clearly told them that priority to leave the country is given to people of Ukrainian nationality first. This has led to African students waiting for hours in the freezing cold, paying large sums of money to get across, or walking incredibly long distances to find safe refuge. There are several videos on social media recounting the experience of many of them trying to flee a country at war but often denied their basic rights. It is despicable".
Indeed, you are absolutely right; "It is despicable".
Certainly, it is horrific and inhumane to treat fellow human beings that way, irrespective of the skin color.
The flip side of the coin is this; Who is to blame for the inferiority conceptualization of Africans by many segments of the other continental populations in the world?
The answer: None other than the woeful post-independent leaders of Africa, especially Sub-Saharan Africa who have decimated their nations despite the fact that most of these nations have more natural and human resources than many European nations.
These African oligarchs, kleptocrats, dictators and tyrants have wasted generations of their innocent citizens many of who have to flee to other continents, even drowning in the Mediterranean sea along the way.
If you wish to explore this viewpoint further, check out this book: RESCUE THYSELF: Change In Sub-Saharan Africa Must Come From Within.